
Overview of our products

Oak Firewood

We offer our firewood as a bundle of approx. 3 cubic meters and a length of 2.5 m. The weight is approx. 1.5 tons.

Our oak products are processed from round timber for squared timber and from block goods to the threshold.

We offer the oak wood air-dried and kiln-dried. The surface of the wood is rough sawn.

Oak fence boards

Thickness: 26 mm

Width: 20 – 30 cm

Falling length: about 2,05 m, 2,50 m und 3,00 m

Oak timber

Our Oak timber ist available in the coverage width from 26 to 80 milimetre.

We offer air-dried (moisture: 20 percent) - and chamber dried (residual moisture: 8 -10 percent) oak timber. Wood qualities are A, A/B and C.

Oak timber can be obtained as deposited goods or as fresh cut. On request, special dimensions can be made.

Oak squared timber

Our squared timbers are cut to sharp edges from a cross section of 10x10 cm to approx. 40x40 cm and in lengths of approx. 2.00 m to approx. 6.00 m.

The rough sawn and sapwood squared timbers can be obtained as deposited goods or as fresh cut. On request, special dimensions can be made.

Oak flooring planks

The oak flooring plants are rustic. Every oak flooring plant is unique: branches, structure, and differences in color are different.

The oak flooring plants are available in the following dimensions:

Thickness: 22 mm
Width: 11,5 cm, 14 cm, 16 cm and 19 cm
Falling lengths: 0,5 metre – 2,30 metres
The oak flooring plants are packed in about 1 m2

The surface is sanded and at the endges there is a slight chamfer.

Surface treatment is possible, for example oils or waxes.

During renovation, the oak flooring plants can be sanded several times.

Oak Grange Dielen

By request the oak flooring plants can be space long and/ or space wide. They are 21 mm thick. Other thickness is also available.

Length: up to 4,60 metre
Sorting: rustic
Surface: planed, by request presanded
Connection: groove and spring at the longitudinal edge

Oak Sleepers

Oak Sleepers represent a high-quality natural building material whose advantages are:

  • Various application possibilities;
  • Long lifespan;
  • No health hazards (e.g., old railroad swell);
  • Easy disposal.

You can use the oak sleeper as retaining walls, stair steps, noise barriers, mounts for flower beds and dressage mounts as well as for sandboxes and raised flower beds.

The fresh cut, non-impregnated sleepers are in stock in sizes

15 x 24 x 260 cm ca. 100kg/ Piece
16 x 26 x 260 cm ca. 115kg/ Piece

Other dimensions on request


The Oak Sleepers can also be edited by hobby-gardener by simple means. In addition to the usual garden tools, a motorized saw, joy and imagination may be necessary for a sand box or a raised flower bed.

We offer our firewood as a bundle about:

  • 3 cubic meter
  • 2,5 length
  • 1,5 ton of weight

Our oak products are processed from round wood for construction timber and from block material to sleepers.

We can offer this wood as open-air-dried or chamber-dried.

The surface of the wood is rough-cut.

Types of wood

We specialise in European oak

The correct wood for each of your requirements.

In addition, we stock small quantities of cherry tree wood and ash wood.

Table of wood types incl. abbrev. designation

Wood type Abbrev. designation according to DIN 4076 Abbrev. designation according to DIN
Cherry tree KB PRAU, EU


Wood processing

We cut round wood by means of a block bandsaw and a gang saw. We saw trunk diameters from 25 centimetres to one metre and trunk lengths from two metres to seven metres.

If at all possible, we cut the wood at the optimum times of the year.


If the wood is to be used for interior construction, a drying chamber with a total wood volume capacity of 100 m3 is available.

In the open air storage area, there is mature wood between one and ten years; air-dried with a residual moisture content of 18 – 30 per cent.